And now for a shop update! :) I was so motivated yesterday that I made another apron! WhooHoo. I have not made a new one in some time, possibly months since I have been crocheting and making Tote Bags and Hobo Bags ( I stil have an orange one I need to finish the handles, it's been that was for at lease a month ) instead. But I really like this one. There had been some discussion on another forum regarding Halloween celebration and being a Christian. Being a mom I tend to enjoy the more kid friendly fabrics to begin with and while if I made one with roses and skulls it would probably sell but it would make my skin crawl! The need for money is not so great as to just create what I know will sell. Folks will either like it or they will move on to another store and that is okay by me. :)
Ok so anyway.....the apron I made yesterday was a cute little pumpkin patch one or jack-o-laterns. Either way there were two fabrics the kid helped me to chose at the store, this was one and the other is bright orange will friendly spiders on it. I know, sounds kinda creepy crawly, but there are in good taste.
I have also started to add Themed Key Fobs to my shop. I like them! They are fast, fun, and fairly easy to do. Plus with the economy the way it is, I want to be able to offer something under $5 that is well made and cute! I was lucky to establish good suppliers and coupons to stock up on material.
This one makes me think of my father in law. Hope you have a blessed and productive day, whethere it be in work or quality time with your family.
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